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5 Questions To Ask When Shopping Around For Hair & Makeup Artists

1. Is there an assistant fee or a travel fee for each professional you send?

Here at WedLocks, we like to keep it simple (we also don't like doing more math.) We charge one travel fee, one time and that is it! Whether we have 1 or 5 professionals coming, the travel fee stays the same and there are no hidden fees. (You're welcome)

2. Do you have any other fees that aren’t listed on your website, but that are in your contract?

The only potential fee that we have in our contract that isn't mentioned on our website is a lodging fee. The lodging fee only applies to mountains that require our professionals to be there super early. Basically, we don't want our professionals to have to be on the road at 3AM in unsafe conditions.

3. Is there a chance that the same professional(s) that are working on my wedding will have another wedding to work on that day?

In almost every circumstance, the team that is working on your wedding will only be working on your wedding. Each team is committed to your wedding and your wedding only that day.

4. What if I am not happy with my trial? Are you able to match me with another professional?

WedLocks has over 20 professionals that work with us. If you aren't jiving with your lead professional for whatever reason, we usually have another professional available that we can match you up with.

5. What if there is an emergency and my artist isn’t able to make it to my wedding?

We usually have an extra person on stand by, just in case there is someone who get the stomach flu, or has a family emergency, we've got you covered!

BONUS! Remember, even though you may not have you caterer booked or your dress picked out yet, we can guarantee you that your face will be there at you wedding. Beauty vendors book up quick, so reserve your spot, if it is available.

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